Students playing different sports

Crafting the Ideal Path to Learning

Aryabhatta’s well-structured Physical Education programme right from its early learning years to secondary school, is designed to cultivate positive qualities of good sportsmanship, co-operation, punctuality and team/school spirit. The school has a well-developed sports arena with a vast playground for sports and athletics.

  • Pre-Primary Years: The initial years’ PE programme strengthens basic skills of mental coordination and motor skills. Children’s play areas have equipment to improve co-ordination skills and overall activeness of the child.
  • Primary School: The programme aims to strengthen both physical and mental faculties in students at this stage. Students are trained in life-saving skills like Swimming and Martial Arts as well as Skating, Athletics, Yoga, Meditation and so on.
  • Middle School: Physical development during this stage has an extensive range of games and sports to propel maximum participation and develop deep interest for competitive sports in the students.
  • Secondary School: Students are tuned to demonstrate personal responsibility and commitment on the field, develop leadership skills, emotional toughness and serve as role models for younger students.

Creating an Environment for Sporting Success

Taught by specialist coaches, the sports and health sciences education program at Aryabhatta increases students’ awareness of health choices, fitness and skill levels, and encourages lifelong healthy living. The facilities and programmes twinned along with the curriculum, reflects the school’s commitment to dissemination of the concept in building healthy and balanced individuals, to lead a quality life. Qualified personnel from the Sports Science department provide students with education and skill-sets associated with conducting, managing and evaluating individual and group physical activities, as well as sports at competitive, educational and recreational levels.

Kid doing swimming